Photos from the 2017 Peace Walk to the Nagasaki Peace Bell are now available in our Interfaith Events photo gallery.

Peace Walk 2017 photo thumbnail images

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On August 9, 2017, the Three-Petals Peace Partnership of the Quaker Friends, Newman Center (Catholic) and Buddhist Study Center joined with Hawaii Betsuin to hold the 8th annual candlelight peace walk remembering the 72nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and expressing gratitude for 72 years of nuclear bombing-free life on Earth.

Following the screening of the film “Gate: The Atomic Flame” and a lantern-lighting ceremony at Hawaii Betsuin, walkers proceeded silently in single-file along a 1-mile route to the Nagasaki Peace Bell where each participant had the opportunity to ring a bell placed at the base of the monument.

For more information, see the pre-event press release.