Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018

Rev. Yuika Hasebe, Hawaii Betsuin

Submitted by Rev. Yuika Hasebe

Do you have anyone you can’t get along with? Could the person be one of your family members, relatives, friends, co-workers or neighbors? You might have had some issue with the person in the past, or you just can’t feel comfortable being together with him/her. The feeling may last several decades or only a few hours. Why do those things happen?

Is it a problem of the person or us? The person is just there as he/she is. We can separate ourselves or keep a distance from them, but we should never use violence or harass him/her by word and action. It is always our problem, and not the other’s. Our self-centered mind decides who we love and who we dislike. Therefore, people we have a hard time to get along with show us our self-centered mind. Through not only people we love, but people who we dislike, we are able to realize our blind passion and the inconceivably strong Vows of Amida Buddha — who never leaves us no matter how strong our egos. Namo Amida Butsu



Dharmagrams are short messages by Hawaii Betsuin ministers. The series was initiated during the coronavirus outbreak of 2020 as one way to continue sharing the Dharma during the stay-at-home period.