Video by Roy Yumori. From the description on YouTube:

“Passing On the Legacy of the Kimono” documents the inspiring fashion show presented on May 15, 2010 at the 11th Hawaii State Buddhist Women’s Assoc. Conference held at the Sheraton Waikiki. Lois Yasui, Pres. of the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin BWA and Coordinator of the fashion show, had a vision in which BWA ladies from Kauai, Maui, Hawaii island, Oahu, and Honolulu BWA Uniteds would model traditional kimono and yukata as well as contemporary Western fashion, beautifully enhanced with kimono, obi, yukata, or other traditional Japanese materials. Unfortunately, Lois Yasui passed away less than three months before the State Conference but her dream was fulfilled when Carol Yamamoto stepped in as Coordinator of the fashion show, saying, “What has to be done, has to be done.” The State Conference and fashion show were dedicated to the memory of Lois Yasui and both were tremendously successful thanks to everyone’s heartfelt support and participation.