Retiring Dharma School teacher Faith Takenaka with Rev. Arthur Kaufmann while being honored by Dharma School.

From the July 2018 Goji newsletter:

We bid a fond farewell to Preschool teacher, Faith Takenaka after 30+ years of teaching. She gave many of our keiki their start in our Dharma School, including our own Executive Director, Stacy Bradshaw! Our Dharma School students have enjoyed many activities to start off their Buddhist Education including making their own onenju, Buddha Day and Bodhi Day crafts and keeping track of their attendance on calendars posted on the bulletin board.

We will miss all of the wonderful Buddhist teachings of Reverend Art Kaufmann as he leaves the Betsuin to head to Lihue Hongwanji on Kauai this summer. He has shared many a Jataka tale with our keiki and families to pass on bits of Buddhist wisdom during our Dharma School Services. Our Dharma School Taiko Group played their original composition, “Takane,” to honor these two individuals. Everyone was delighted to see dancers with masks of Ms Faith and Reverend Art during this performance. Warmest aloha and best wishes to both as they move to a new chapter in their lives.

Ms. Takenaka and Rev. Arthur Kaufmann are entertained by taiko drumming in the Social Hall, including some drummers wearing masks of the honorees