Dharmagram: How should we deal with our present situation?

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rev. Shingo Furusawa Due to COVID 19, we are all having a difficult time. Many people are thinking and asking how we should deal with this difficult and challenging situation. We must accept our present situation just as it is, and then we should find what we can do now. First of all, […]

Dharmagram: One suchness

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rimban Toyokazu Hagio Wrong means leading a selfish life without any gratitude to other lives. Right means living as if you were the other being. In truth, taking care of one’s own life means respecting others’ lives. In Gassho  

Dharmagram: It is always our problem

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rev. Yuika Hasebe Do you have anyone you can’t get along with? Could the person be one of your family members, relatives, friends, co-workers or neighbors? You might have had some issue with the person in the past, or you just can’t feel comfortable being together with him/her. The feeling may last several […]

Dharmagram: Reciting the name

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rev. Shingo Furusawa Even though I say that Amida Buddha is always with you, you may say, “I cannot see the Buddha and I cannot feel the Buddha is with me.” If so, please recite “Namo Amida Butsu.” Namo means rely on. Amida Butsu means Amida Buddha. Namo Amida Butsu is the calling […]

Dharmagram: A once-in-a-long-time opportunity

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rimban Toyokazu Hagio This COVID-19 international pandemic means being cornered in an inescapable situation, however, through deeply reflecting on ourselves having been born in this world as human beings, and encountering the true teaching, this is truly a once-in-a-long-time opportunity. In Gassho  

Dharmagram: What we see is up to us

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rev. Yuika Hasebe The sutras state, “When we see the water, we can see it as water, but when a hungry ghost sees water, they see it as fire.” Even when we see the same thing, what we can see in it is different. In difficult circumstances, we tend to see negativities in […]

Dharmagram: Never abandoned

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rev. Shingo Furusawa One devoted Hongwanji member stayed alone after her husband passed away. Whenever people asked her, “You do feel loneliness, do you not?” She replied, “I never feel loneliness because Amida Buddha is always with me.” Due to COVID-19, we all must stay home. At times you may feel loneliness. When […]

Mother’s Day video from Hawaii Betsuin

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Mother's Day video header

Hawaii Betsuin wanted to provide a little something extra for Mother’s Day. Please enjoy! Artwork by Rev. Yuika Hasebe. See also the Mother’s Day Online Service from the State Ministers Association with a dharma talk by Hawaii Betsuin’s Rimban, Toyokazu Hagio. It was premiered May 10 at 10 a.m. and is available on YouTube at […]

Dharmagram: Living impermanence

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rimban Toyokazu Hagio People think of “impermanence” as having a pessimistic meaning, that things change for the worse, but impermanence does not always mean that things are getting worse. Misfortune can also take turn for the better into happiness. There is a saying that “there is no night not followed by morning.” This […]