See our Dharma Light Classes page.
The new semester of Dharma Light classes for July-December has started. Already underway at Wahiawa Hongwanji is "Understanding Shin Buddhism: First Steps," but three others offered at the Buddhist Study Center start in the coming weeks. They are:
- Buddha’s Café Happy Hour, monthly starting September 14, featuring an exploration of The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself by Sean Carroll,
- ABCs of Buddhism, weekly starting October 5, and
- Pure Land Buddhism & the Shin Path: Introduction to Jodo Shinshu, weekly starting November 6.
The Dharma Light Program originated at Hawaii Betsuin and is now a project of the Buddhist Study Center. Courses are $20-25; tuition wavers are available. Complete information is available at bschawaii.org and hawaiibetsuin.org. To register, pick up a brochure/registration form at the office or download the PDF form for printing.