Honoring People

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Special Bodhi Day dedication for Mary Foster to be held at Hawaii Betsuin on Dec. 15

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bodhi tree leaf detail

On Sunday, December 15 at 10 a.m., the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Hawaii Betsuin, and Maha Bodhi Hawaii will hold a special service at the Betsuin temple to remember and appreciate the many contributions of Mary Elizabeth Mikahala Robinson Foster to Buddhism and especially Hongwanji in Hawaii. Venerable (Rev.) Ayya Vimala of Maha Bodhi […]

Memorial ribbons available to honor your departed loved ones this Obon season

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In 2018, Hawaii Betsuin introduced “Obon Memorial Ribbons” as a tangible symbol of remembering and expressing gratitude to our departed loved ones. We continue this new tradition in 2019. Like last year, you may pre-order a ribbon printed with a sagarifuji (the Jodo Shinshu wisteria crest) and your loved one’s name. Ribbons will be displayed […]

May 2019 Goji newsletter now available online

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"Goji" and sagarifuji on a background of pastel purple and blue

The May 2019 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Gotan-e with Rev. Kerry Kiyohara Dharma message from Rev. Furusawa New class with Rev. Hasebe: “Buddhism In Everyday Life — Tannisho” President’s message: “i am a link” BWA news and […]

“Mother Tree” will be adorned with photos of moms on Mother’s Day

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Betsuin members and friends are invited to bring a photo of mom on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 12, for the “Mother Tree.” Participants use mini-clothespins (provided) to attach their photos to a tree-like framework made from bamboo and strung with twine. The activity was a hit last year so we are offering it again in […]

Ho’onko and MLK Day make for an eventful weekend at Hawaii Betsuin, Jan. 19-21!

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Martin Luther King Parade 2018 - group photo (header)

The three-day weekend beginning January 19 will be an eventful one for Hawaii Betsuin. We hope you can join us for one or all of the following happenings as we honor both our founder, Shinran Shonin, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Saturday, January 19 – Talk Story: “Buddhism and Martin Luther King” On Saturday […]

February 2018 Goji now available online

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Buddha lying on side attended by many disciples in background

The February 2018 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Nirvana Day Dharma message by Rimban Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade BWA News & Events Hongwanji themes and slogans New Year’s Party photos Green Team – April Green Fair and […]