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Dharmagram: Slowing down and appreciating

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Dharmagram header - From Hawaii Betsuin Ministers to You (sagarifuji and kansho stamps)

Submitted by Rev. Shingo Furusawa Our community is now in an emergency lockdown due to COVID-19. As a result, we must stay at home. Of course, I feel sorry for the people who are suffering and passed away due to the coronavirus. However, I try to think that the lockdown is a very good opportunity […]

Meet Rev. Masanari Yamagishi, newly assigned to Hawaii Betsuin!

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Hawaii Betsuin from Pali Highway (header)

Hawaii Betsuin has a new associate minister! Reverend Masanari Yamagishi, most recently the resident minister of Buddhist Church of Lodi in California, has just begun a several-month assignment at Hawaii Betsuin. Despite the unusual challenges posed by the coronavirus outbreak, Rev. Yamagishi reports he is doing well and has been reading and studying a lot. […]

March 2020 Goji newsletter now available online

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"Goji" and sagarifuji on a background of pastel purple and blue

The March 2020 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Spring Higan with Rev. Koho Takata Dharma Message from Rev. Sol Kalu President’s Message from Dexter Mar Taste of Hongwanji & Spring Bazaar ad BWA News & Events BWA Rummage […]

Many new dharma talks posted in English and Japanese for listening on demand

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headphones image over faded sagarifuji with images of ministers

We have recently posted many recent dharma talks in audio format (and in a few cases, text as well) for listening on demand. Find them organized by language, speaker, and month in our Dharma Talks section. The collection now includes over 500 talks. The English language talks are primarily those recorded at our regular 10 […]

December 2019 Goji newsletter now available online

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"Goji" and sagarifuji on a background of pastel purple and blue

The December 2019 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: HBC Bodhi Day at the Betsuin (Dec. 8) Special Betsuin BODHI DAY Dedication for Mary Foster (Dec. 15) Dharma Message: “Priority of Interdependence” Rev. Toyokazu Hagio President’s Message: “Dare to […]

November 2019 Goji newsletter now available online

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"Goji" and sagarifuji on a background of pastel purple and blue

The November 2019 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Buddhist views on Medical Aid in Dying (part 3) Rev. Kamuro farewell message President’s Message: “A Sacred Place Worth Saving” Hawaii Betsuin board elections Nov. 17 Reflections on the 16th […]

Free class on “The Teaching of Buddha” begins Friday July 12

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NEW CLASS! Rimban Hagio will be leading a new study class on “THE TEACHING OF BUDDHA,” published by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai. The book is available for free from Hawaii Betsuin. The class includes three sessions on Friday mornings in July: July 12, 19, & 26 at 10:00 a.m. in the Betsuin Lounge. Free. Hawaii Betsuin […]

May 2019 Goji newsletter now available online

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"Goji" and sagarifuji on a background of pastel purple and blue

The May 2019 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Gotan-e with Rev. Kerry Kiyohara Dharma message from Rev. Furusawa New class with Rev. Hasebe: “Buddhism In Everyday Life — Tannisho” President’s message: “i am a link” BWA news and […]