Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018

Rev. Yuika Hasebe, Hawaii Betsuin

Submitted by Rev. Yuika Hasebe

When times are difficult, sometimes we force ourselves to calm down and be steady. We often feel like we shouldn’t cry or shed tears and force ourselves to be strong and confident.

Crying is not an expression of weakness. It means that you are strong enough to acknowledge fear and anxiety inside of you. Please allow yourself to cry and accept your tears. Because of your tears, Amida Buddha established Vows for you.

When you wipe your tears, please think that Amida is wiping your tears. Amida Buddha is always embracing you with warm and vast Great Compassion.

Namo Amida Butsu

PS: If you have little more energy, please try adding a bit of smile to your everyday live. It will surely brighten up your day and others!

Dharmagrams are short messages by Hawaii Betsuin ministers. The series was initiated during the coronavirus outbreak of 2020 as one way to continue sharing the Dharma during the stay-at-home period.