Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018

Rev. Yuika Hasebe, Hawaii Betsuin

Submitted by Rev. Yuika Hasebe

Those who hear the Buddha’s Name —
Going even through flames that fill
The great thousandfold world to do so —
Attain forever the state of nonretrogression.

When do we hear the Dharma, Great Compassion and Wisdom? In good times and also in bad, it is always “Now.” Don’t you sometimes feel anxiety and worry for the future? When we realize that things we have relied on for decades may no longer be dependable, this is the time that we are able to see clearly what we can truly rely on. Shinran Shonin clearly states that it is “Nembutsu” and “Nembutsu” only. When we see ourselves confused and lost, we also realize how deep, strong and warm is Amida Buddha’s Great Compassion. Amida Buddha has been calling to us for many kalpas — it is “Now” that we are able to encounter.



Dharmagrams are short messages by Hawaii Betsuin ministers. The series was initiated during the coronavirus outbreak of 2020 as one way to continue sharing the Dharma during the stay-at-home period.