Hawaii Betsuin Memo
Re: COVID-19, the Novel Coronavirus

For additional updates, please see our COVID-19 / Novel Coronavirus page.

February 27, 2020

Aloha Hawaii Betsuin members and friends,

On February 27, a message went out to the Hongwanji Mission School (HMS) ohana from Head of School David Randall regarding the COVID-19 virus. The message included precautions the school is taking and helpful information and links. We appreciate Mr. Randall’s proactive communication and wish to share similar information with the wider Betsuin community.

We echo HMS’s call to follow CDC guidelines to prevent the transmission of respiratory illnesses such as the flu. These actions include:

  • Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Washing hands before eating and after using the bathroom
  • Covering coughs or sneezes (with sleeve rather than hands)
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
  • Staying home when sick and seeing a doctor if experiencing a fever above 100°
  • Getting an updated flu vaccine

For the latest information on COVID-19, please refer to these helpful resources:

HMS is prepared to respond to any COVID-19 instructions from the U.S. government or Hawaii Department of Health and is equipped to offer online, distance-learning should school closures be advised.

The temple will respond similarly. KZOO radio, our website, and social media are all channels we can use to continue sharing the dharma in the event that services are canceled. We will use the best available information and advisories when considering upcoming community events on our temple campus.

Any virus-related advisories to our temple community will be posted prominently on our website, hawaiibetsuin.org. Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/hawaiibetsuin/.

May we reflect upon the truths of interconnectedness and interdependence as we respond mindfully to evolving conditions related to COVID-19. Mahalo for your attention!

In gassho,

Rev. Toyokazu Hagio, Rimban
Dexter Mar, President
Stacy Bradshaw, Executive Director