Dr. Jon Matsuoka

Dr. Jon Matsuoka, Hawaii Betsuin’s new executive director starting March 1, 2022

Hawaii Betsuin has some exciting news to share: Dr. Jon Matsuoka will be the temple’s next Executive Director! Jon brings a wealth of executive leadership experience, including 10 years as Dean of UH Mānoa’s Thompson School of Social Work and 6 years as President and CEO of the Consuelo Foundation. His most recent position was as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Hawaiʻi Tokai International College.

The opportunity at Betsuin attracted Jon in part due to his “belief that Buddhist principles are critical to the promotion of peace in an era of profuse uncertainty.”

Jon has deep ties to Honpa Hongwanji in Hawaii. A 25-year member of Moiliili Hongwanji, he currently chairs the statewide Living Treasures of Hawaiʻi™ Committee and serves on the advisory board of Project Dana.

Jon’s official first day at Hawaii Betsuin will be March 1. David Atcheson, currently serving as Interim Executive Director, will remain on staff during a transition period. “I’m eager to work with Jon,” said David. “I’ve pledged my support as he settles into the executive director role.”

Hawaii Betsuin’s Personnel Committee worked closely with Inkinen Executive Search in a process lasting many months, ultimately leading to a board-approved offer to Jon as our top-ranked candidate. Terms were approved by the Executive Committee on January 29, the night before our 2022 General Membership Meeting — just in time for Jon to attend and be introduced at the Zoom meeting.

In this time of great change and possibility for Hawaii Betsuin, causes and conditions have brought Jon Matsuoka to us as the temple’s next executive director. Let us welcome Jon into our sangha as a partner in realizing the Hawaii Betsuin vision: “A welcoming place where all share the joy of living with gratitude and compassion inspired by Buddhist values.”

Submitted by David Atcheson on behalf of the Personnel Committee