Trees, Thank You!  Thank You to everyone who made our Trees, Please! project (April 15-17) a successful and fun part of Hawaii Betsuin’s Earth Day celebrations!  Thank you to the Malama Learning Center that supplied the native trees and plants and with whom we look forward to future activities, see Malama Learning Center.  Thank You to Mindy Jaffe, who supplied the worm compost, see Worm Ohana.  Thank You to the volunteers who transported the plants and set up, staffed, and cleaned up after.

Thank You especially to all who adopted plants during this 3-day event.  We started with 50 plants, all found good homes with Sangha gardeners, and the final dozen went to Ma’ema’e Elementary School for Family Day.  As we celebrate our interdependence with all life and own the impact of our behavior on future generations, let’s build an Earth Touching Sangha grateful for every day as an Earth Day!

Submitted by Steve Lohse
Betsuin board member and chair of the statewide Green Hongwanji Committee

See also