Rev. Masanari Yamagishi

Rev. Masanari Yamagishi, temporarily assigned to Hawaii Betsuin as of April 2020

Submitted by Rev. Masanari Yamagishi

How are you doing? Do you sleep well these days? Whether or not you do, the sun always comes up every morning.

When you wake up by hearing sounds of the birds chirping in the morning, at first you open the curtain and window in your room. At that moment, you are filled with the light and warmth of the sunshine. You must feel nice and happy.

The sounds of birds chirping and the light and warmth of the sunshine are just like Amida Buddha’s calling and affection for us. The act of waking up and opening the curtain and window is also just like the recitation of the Nembutsu.

It is the Nembutsu, Namo Amida Butsu. Once we recite the Nembutsu, Amida Buddha embraces us all the time.

In Gassho, Namo Amida Butsu

Dharmagrams are short messages by Hawaii Betsuin ministers. The series was initiated during the coronavirus outbreak of 2020 as one way to continue sharing the Dharma during the stay-at-home period.