Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018

Rev. Yuika Hasebe, Hawaii Betsuin

Submitted by Rev. Yuika Hasebe

Rennyo Shonin states:

It is easy to see the wrong act in others, but you do not remember the wrong act you have done. If you notice that you have done wrong acts, it must have been very grave. Thinking thus, you should closely examine your mind. You should place deep trust in what others say about the wrong act you committed, because you hardy remember the wrong act you have done.

Because our eyes only are able to see the outside world, it is really difficult for us to see ourselves. When we look into the mirror, we can see our appearance, but we are never able to see inside of our heart. Buddha’s teaching is sometimes explained as “Mirror.” The mirror reflects nothing but our true self.

The morals and ethics of the human world is constantly changing depending on the era, politics, and culture. When we truly look deep into our hearts, the “Mirror of Dharma” is the only one which tells us the truth.

Dharmagrams are short messages by Hawaii Betsuin ministers. The series was initiated during the coronavirus outbreak of 2020 as one way to continue sharing the Dharma during the stay-at-home period.