Posts tagged with ‘Obon’

3 Items

Obon Memorial Lanterns Now Available

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Bon Memorial Lanterns in the hondo

Obon memorial lanterns allow you to memorialize your departed loved ones with lanterns displayed in the hondo during Bon season. Ribbons with loved ones’ names are attached to the lanterns, which are available in three sizes. Donations made when ordering lanterns are an important source of income for the temple. We invite you to participate! […]

Hawaii Betsuin invites sponsorships of Obon memorial lanterns

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Bon lanterns header with yagura

Please place orders no later than August 20. Mahalo! July 1, 2020 Dear Hawaii Betsuin Ohana and Friends, We hope that this letter finds you safe and healthy in your homes. As we continue to remain vigilant to prevent the spread of COVID-19, know that you are not alone in your efforts, and together, we […]

Memorial ribbons available to honor your departed loved ones this Obon season

by admin

In 2018, Hawaii Betsuin introduced “Obon Memorial Ribbons” as a tangible symbol of remembering and expressing gratitude to our departed loved ones. We continue this new tradition in 2019. Like last year, you may pre-order a ribbon printed with a sagarifuji (the Jodo Shinshu wisteria crest) and your loved one’s name. Ribbons will be displayed […]